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Old 05-15-2011, 02:20 AM
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Sea Witch Sea Witch is offline
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Courtenay/Comox Valley, Vancouver Island, BC
Posts: 61
Sea Witch is on a distinguished road

clk666, hello. Welcome.

I'm sure lots of more experienced people will weigh in here, but first I'd say, slow down. First, your live rock will have to be "cured". Is it pre-cured? If not you have to cure it. If it's pre-cured, you'll still have to wait a bit before you're ready for fish. At the bottom of this page, there's a Reference Library. Start clicking and reading.

People need to know more about you in order to answer your question. How big is your tank? Do you have a sump? How big is the sump? Have you ever kept fish before? Freshwater? So post, some more info, and it will be easier to help you.

And last, if it's a first saltwater tank, I'd forget about the seahorses. They require very good and very stable conditions, and usually need to be by themselves...............

I hope this helps,
Planning a first reef tank. Thanks for indulging me with all my questions.
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