I have a liverock encrusted in gsp, with some button polyps on it. This algae has been on it for while but lately it has been growing like crazy. Im just curious if anyone can positively ID it as Bryopsis. I look at pics of bryopsis this doesnt look like the feather shaped branches more of a parachute shape. Perhaps bryo but a different species. I know, the picture quality is horrible. first thing is, I do use tap water and I know this time of year has alot of solids and silicates to feed it and i found out Turner Valley has 500 ppm tds

. I just cant afford a RO unit right now. I do have a reactor that I will be setting up tommorow and running rowa phos in it. Can I cook this rock even and not lose all the GSP or polyps on it or is it time to put the rock in the freezer and kill everything? Its now spreading onto the sand. Thank you for any input.