Thread: HRV revisit
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Old 05-12-2011, 01:47 PM
rayjay rayjay is offline
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: London, Ontario
Posts: 340
rayjay is on a distinguished road

Lifebreath is made here in London, and, many other name brands as well that they just stick a different name plate on as other companies found it advantageous to have Lifebreath make HRV's for them.
When I bought mine many years ago, I spoke with the engineer there and he asked me for the size of the house, the square footage of the surface open water in the house, and the temperature of that water.
He came up with the 300DCS double core unit.
In my case, it JUST makes it and that's all, but I have a lot of water in my basement with my tanks and the culturing of rots, artemia and nanno.
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