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Old 05-12-2011, 05:22 AM
MKLKT MKLKT is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Coquitlam, BC
Posts: 261
MKLKT is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by dsaundry View Post
It's only an achievment if you can put together 16 wins in the playoffs. What a team does in the regular season is irrelevant unless they can back it up in the playoffs. You can have the best record in the regular season and look nothing more than average in the playoffs. Winning the Presidents trophy is usually a death sentence in the playoffs. If the only one contributing to the offence is Kesler the Canucks are doomed to be runner up's, no matter what Luongo is like. Chicago and Nashville have made the Canucks look very ordinary and very beatable. Whether is San Jose or Detroit I wouldn't be betting the farm on them going to the finals unless there is some dramatic improvement from the other players. I am hoping for a Boston/Vancouver final as most of my family are die-hard Canuck fans and being a Bruin's fan I am really hoping for a good final but I think the Bruins will roll over the Canucks if they meet for the cup.
You can say that about each of the teams in the playoffs. Montreal almost got rid of the B's as well, and Detroit/SJ both have had huge problems in their own ways. Tampa is the team I'd be most worried about and even then it's the same deal with the stars being inconsistent too. Honestly each of the final 5 times at the moment has under performing top liners for various reasons. I don't think people gave Nashville nor Chicago enough credit. Rinne is one of the other 2 Vezina candidates for good reason, that whole team plays its system to a T. It is just Lemaire-esque boring!