Thread: Frag swap
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Old 05-12-2011, 02:50 AM
2pts 2pts is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Vernon, BC, Canada
Posts: 123
2pts is on a distinguished road

My wife and I will be coming, with our 4 and 6 year old daughters. Because the girls have dance practice in the morning we can't get there until aproximately 1pm, I hope that is ok? The girls really wanna see all the clown fish

We will be looking to buy 1 paired set of clown fish and a few bubble tip anemones or long tentacle anemones, plus some various frags if available.

Could also use some more chaeto and a uv sterilizer if someone has them.

Also, is anyone else coming from Vernon?

Later, Shawn.

Last edited by 2pts; 05-12-2011 at 03:22 AM. Reason: Update
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