Ammonia was down to zero, Nitrite is at zero. I was getting a reading of Nitrate around 30ppm so I did a 40% ro water change (with salt of course). I now don't show a reading for nitrate either. I have a bunch of green algeas growing on the front glass, they almost look like plants. I had a bloom of brown algea as well but on the live rock, it seems to have receded. There is some nice purple coraline algea starting to grow.
I think this weekend I will add a sand or fine gravel bed to the tank to get it ready for a cleaning crew. I may add another raw shrimp in there to keep a source of ammonia for the bacteria in the tank as I still don't have anything other than bristle worms and copepods living in here.
I'm also planning on purchasing a few more pounds of live rock to help seed the dry rock I had purchased.
I'm getting kind of excited about having the cleaning crew in there, It'll be something more to look at than the minor life forms in there lol!
if your not making mistakes, your probably not doing anything...