Originally Posted by Lance
As for feeding the fish I use mainly PE Mysis, along with flakes, pellets, clams, shrimp, and various SF Bay brand frozen. I soak with Selcon twice a week and use Kent's Garlic Extract every other day.
Wow Lance, your fish get more variety than me.....seriously.....not much variety between fast food, Michelina's and ichiban......gawd I love the bachelor lifestyle
Originally Posted by Lance
Doug, I estimate your thread to be 40% reef-related, 40% sexual innuendos, and 20% BS. Mine, on the other hand is 80% BS and 20% reef talk. I guess you're just a sexy guy and I'm just full of $hit. 
your bang on with the numbers about my thread, but your being too hard on yourself Lance.....I think there is less BS......... and some sexual innuendo in your thread too

......its not that
Im sexy.....its the staff discount at RC that appeals to the Girlys
Originally Posted by fishoholic
 I have to agree 
hey.....how can it be that you just dissed Lance and I and complemented me all in fours little words???
Originally Posted by lastlight
Lance you're a pretty generous guy lol.

so where would your estimation be at, Brett?
260g mixed reef, 105g sump, water blaster 7000 return, Bubble King SM 300 skimmer, Aqua Controller Jr, 4 radions, 3 Tunze 6055s,1 tunze 6065, 2 Vortech MP40s, Vortech MP20, Tunze ATO, GHL SA2 doser, 2 TLF reactors (1 carbon, 1 rowa).
http://www.canreef.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=50034 . Tank Video here
http://www.vimeo.com/2304609 and here