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Old 05-09-2011, 03:55 PM
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Lance Lance is offline
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Location: Powell River, B.C.
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Lance is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
She's a 2 year old rescue from the animal shelter. Blue heeler crossed with something else...maybe german shepard I'm not a dog guy.

She chased a cat that was in our yard up our fence and the cat was def IN her mouth which sorta alarmed me. Our cat has been in hiding and the dog def wants to chase her. Incredibly gentle with the kids and already pretty well trained. She 'eliminates' (see I'm learning dog talk lol) outside like she should.

Here's a quick video I took today. You'd never know that we'd had her home for less than 30 minutes at this point:

Ha! Shouldn't have any trouble getting the kids to sleep; that dog will wear them out big time. Congrats on the new addition to the family.
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