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Old 05-08-2011, 04:11 PM
byee byee is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Coquitlam
Posts: 291
byee is on a distinguished road

I've got the CPR CS 102 for since I started my tank 5 years ago. I've lost count on the number of aqualift pumps!

Each time the pump fails, I have the beginnings of an indoor pool in my basement.

I was told CPR makes on of the 'best' HOB overflows......they may but the weak point is Lee's Aqualift pump! Just flooded by basement again for the 8th time. The rubber diaframs all full of salt. If a standard siphon tube can run forever with NO air bubbles, why does the CPR require a aqualift pump to pull out the air?? Inherent design problem??

$1,000,000 question, is the aqualift used to correct a design flaw in the overflow?

I'm replacing mine with a Lifereef type using good old fashion siphon tubes!!
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