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Old 05-07-2011, 04:18 AM
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Originally Posted by The Grizz View Post
DUDE you need to chill, I just read everything on the link you provided and you are so miss informed it's not even funny. The whole licensing thing only pertains to groups or organization that earns revenue over and above the prize values. Directly from the link you provided.

" If your group or organization is planning to hold a gaming event for the purpose of raising funds to benefit the broader community or a third party, you must apply for either a Class A, B or D gaming event licence. "

I even went one step further today to check this out. I had a meeting to go to at Stoney Nakota Resort & Casino in regards to Alberta Ride For Sight event that will be taking place there again this year. I asked the head admin about this & there is no license required for as small of a thing as this.

So in words you might understand what TheKid wants to do is not breaking an laws & you are the one giving bad advise not me. You have a really bad way of dealing with being told that you are incorrect with your whole " I really don't give a flying f@C* " and I really don't appreciate it directed at me.

If you don't give a flying f@C* then why do you continue to post in this thread. Delete you subscription and don't return to this thread. As zoom one else stated you must have nothing but time on your hands.

Exactly Lorenzo well said thank you.

You can't sell tickets for any game of chance unless you are licensed...raffles lotteries or otherwise.

Telling me to stay out,...your're the one who keeps dragging me back into this.
Glass box with stoney stuff and fisches...
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