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Old 05-05-2011, 01:06 AM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
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Originally Posted by therealshark View Post
Interesting, I have alays had good luck with just vodka.
What ratio do you mix the VSV? Or do you dose them individually?
I think I may try this in my new system once it is going for awhile.
Sorry, I don't want to detract from the original thread. I'll gladly have a discussion if you start another thread on this topic. I've been learning quite a bit about this method recently as I'll be switching to VSV shortly. Start with the ratios published here. The easiest answer is: it depends. It seems that everyone who is using this system gets slightly different results and needs to adjust the ratios accordingly. Read Sonny's site on MB& and vodka dosing. This will give you an idea where to start. There is no research saying what source does what. It will have to be through personal experimentation.

Previously I was using vodka and Vitamin C and was getting very good and interesting results but stopped that due to time commitments.
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