I started biopellets in January 2011, when I had lots of hair algae issues. I originally had 250mL in a TLF150 reactor, now I have 2 reactors and just over 500mL of biopellets. Back then my Nitrates were around 25ppm.
I now have just a little bit of hair algae (probably from overfeeding, as I've added a few fish). I tested my Nitrates and Phosphates a few weeks ago, and both are at 0.
Since January, I was just 'restarting' my reef tank, so conditions were not optimal. Now just past the 4 month stage, things are slowly getting back on the right track. I know I have to change all my bulbs (but I'm saving that money to do a big DIY LED build). So I can't claim that everything started to colour up right away.
Having said that, there could have been other factors with your system, besides the biopellets. Did you test your Nitrates and Phosphates before and after the biopellets?
Regarding the tumbling, you need to have good tumbling for the whole stack. Mine clumped too, but after a week or two, the clumps finally broke down. The main thing about biopellets is patience to let them work, without changing a whole lot.
Tank was up for 7yrs and 10months. Thanks Everyone!
2016/2017 180Gallon Build Coming Soon...
Last edited by GMGQ; 05-04-2011 at 09:57 PM.