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Old 05-03-2011, 09:56 PM
southerner2 southerner2 is offline
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Originally Posted by cale262 View Post
So send me one of your PR156W's and I'll compaire it "side by side" with the other three LED fixtures I own...
I know what you are implying and won't even stoop to that level......

Originally Posted by Bblinks View Post
I agree with you to a certain extend. True the diodes are only made by a select fee companies, but what really sells them are the functionality and looks of the fixture. More importantly what will be more suited for each individual reefer's needs. Personally I would pick reeftech over orphek simply because they don't offer the dimmerable option.
I understand the reasoning behind this but IMHO isn't quality light and color asthetics more important than a feature such as dimming? I had dimming features on some of my FW tanks and NEVER used it. I run everything through a DA reef Keeper. Dimmming is for us....not for the corals..... If dimming were that big if a deal then MH would never have been so successful.....

I really like the look of them and have had the opportunity to see the AI and Orphek side by side....over a tank....with corals.... both looked good but I really like the Orphek better even when playing with the color of the AI......
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