05-03-2011, 08:08 PM
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Edmonton Alberta
Posts: 92
Originally Posted by cordeiro
Sailfin tang about 6 inches-$50.00-SOLD
Yellow tang about 3 inches-$30.00-SOLD
naso tang about 3inches-$35.00-SOLD
Coral beauty-$25.00-SOLD
2 engineer gobies full grown aprox 10 inches-$30 each -SOLD
Cleaner goby-$15.00-SOLD. Clown fish- $15.00 each-SOLD
Cleaner shrimp- $15.00-SOLD Blue lankeya- $20.00-SOLD
Sand sifting star-$10.00-SOLD
Regal tang about 6 inches-$75.00-SOLD
Magnificent foxface about 6 inches-$90.00
2 one spot damsels-$10 for both
Lawnmower blenny-$30
Urchin- $10.00-sold
12 head frogspawn-$60.00-SOLD
zoas frags-$5.00-$25.00 most gone
Large clam about 9 inches not sure the name $100.00
Clam about 5-6 inches-$75.00SOLD
Fuzzy mushrooms*
?condalactis? Anemone-$15.00-sold
Mushroom rock
About 200 lbs live rock-$4.00/lb
180 gallon right back overflow with*Stand-$600.00
90 gallon Sump an stand with switches And electrical panel-$400.00
Coralife Skimmer with pump (about 6 months old)-$250.00
2 hydro koralia magnum 8/ flow rate 12500 L/H 3250 GPH-$150.00 each*
Hydro koralia 6-$90.00-SOLD
Pump flow-2000 GPH Height max-23 feet-$100.0**on hold for kevotron**
Aquamedic 6foot light 4 metal halides and 4 h.o. T5's all bulbs were replaced beginning of feburary-$900.00
Zeovit(no product just zeovit) never been used!! Just put together-$300.00
6 foot light 8 three foot t5's-$250.00