Thread: Bin Laden
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Old 05-02-2011, 10:54 PM
trilinearmipmap trilinearmipmap is offline
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No matter how evil he is I can not take pleasure in someone's death.

He is responsible for the death of thousands. Who is responsible for the death of 100,000 Iraqi civillians?

This thing will not end with the death of Bin Laden. As long as the Muslims have a grievance they will be fighting us. As despicable as their terrorist tactics are, there are no other tactics they can use to fight the U.S. They are faced with an overwhelming military force and they are at a huge technological disadvantage when the U.S. has stealth aircraft, cruise missiles, predator drones, etc. What sort of tactics would we use if our country were invaded by the U.S.? Most likely improvised explosive devices.

We will not have peace until we have justice. Not to say that the terrorists are justified in their actions, but until the lives of people in those countries are improved, and they are able to live with some dignity, they will hate us and they will try to kill us.
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