Originally Posted by fishytime
its a tough one to answer......its cool that we share a common interest and after all the hobby is how Laurie and I met.......but we both have very different ideas on how to do a tank and stock it and such.....it would definitely be a multiple tank household methinks......which could and would be very expensive...... its very cool to able to both go and spend a day driving around to the LFSs and both enjoy it and consider it time well spent.....on the other hand it usually ends up meaning a bunch of money spent  .....all in all I consider myself lucky to have found someone that shares in my passion for the hobby................even if it means we'll probably be broke because of it  ......now as for who's more addicted???????not sure about that one......Laurie's heavily addicted to fish.....and Im addicted to it all 
ya you are still lucky to share thou and still somewhat close to each other. Tammy love to look after the tank when Im gone however doesn't want anything to do when I get home just take pictures for me.
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
Doesn't matter how much you have been reading until you take the plunge.
You don't know as much as you think.