The fact that he wasnt 'bright' enough to change his story the second time 'round, probably means he didnt even know How to make it up. So definitely a noobie who's not ready for livestock yet.
I definitely would appreciate that kind of honesty from the LFS.
Kudos +1!
Originally Posted by RedCoralEdmonton
Good on you for not taking our advice the wrong way, unfortunately I think my customer was a different person, As he had a 35 gallon tank with only 5 lbs of rock, and only had been running 2 weeks, without testing, wanted to buy livestock.... I, like Lyndsy said to wait, test and more importantly get more rock.
Its unfortunate that people dont take the time to set up properly, as we all know this is where the myth, and I stress myth, that saltwater aquariums are so hard to take care of, with the proper patience and budget, our hobby is quite easy to care for.
Again Good on you Blue World Aquarium staff for great ethics in this business!!!