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Old 04-27-2011, 05:13 AM
PFoster PFoster is offline
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Toronto, ON
Posts: 576
PFoster is on a distinguished road

Well you dont have to kill for a tank like that, you just need a bit of patients and the right foods.
Do you reed corals magazine?
If you read any of the articles in Coral Magazine about keeping azoox tank and if you follow the Azoox forums on RC one food line will pop up again and again and again, the Fauna Marin food line for feeding corals. When it comes to feeding corals or fish, nobody can compete with FM. And the success of azoox tanks like this are proof of that.

A dosing pump is recomended but not required.

The Fauna Marin foods are a must though and if you follow the azoox guide it will take you step by step trough all the info that you need to give you a good basis for diving into the world of azoox corals.

I see you have a decent sized system already. Connecting an azoox tank onto your main display will help you feed your main display and keep amazing water quality in the Azoox tank at the same time. It makes keeping azoox corals WAY easier.
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