how am I crying wolf? stating a fact......yes, there are a few things that are ingredients in fish foods that contain copper naturally, in trace amounts and there is nothing that can be done about that.....thus it not being listed on some fish food labels, but still showing up under analysis......Im talking about something that is being actively added as an ingredient (for whatever reason) and listed as such on the label......why do you suppose it is, that NLS no longer adds or has decided to change formulas or facilities or all of the above and no longer add copper protienate??????...... what else changed in the formulation to warrant not adding copper protienate???? should be able to tell me......your a moderator on the NLS forum arent you?????... if I can walk up to a shelf and take two fish foods of the shelf and one actively adds copper protienate and the other one doesnt, which one do you think Im gonna feed to my reef???...........all I know is, I have a I said in my first post "I'M NOT SAYING ITS A BAD FOOD, JUST FOOD FOR THOUGHT"...I think that it is great food for fish designed with the fishes health in mind.......I understand that when ingested the fish are able to metabolize most of what they ingest......but what about that pellets that fall on my acan or nem or what ever......what about the food that goes un-eaten by the fish and feeds our reef????....I feed NLS small fish formula to my nano I like it?......NO.......but it is all that has been readily available......all Im trying to do is make people aware of whats in the food that they feed to their reef......the decision to feed it is up to them.......
Im not gonna sit here and take the word of some one who obviously has something to do with either the NLS forum or the company itself, or both and someone who's only posts here seem to be related to NLS foods.....what else would you say???? long has the food been around? .....long enough to accurately state that there isnt any concern, long term over what NLS adds( or added) to their foods??..... providing links and info to a couple large aquariums that have been feeding NLS means nothing to me.......if I had a $10,000 dollar skimmer and all the money in the world to throw at filtration and 22,000g of dilution then I might not worry too much either.....
260g mixed reef, 105g sump, water blaster 7000 return, Bubble King SM 300 skimmer, Aqua Controller Jr, 4 radions, 3 Tunze 6055s,1 tunze 6065, 2 Vortech MP40s, Vortech MP20, Tunze ATO, GHL SA2 doser, 2 TLF reactors (1 carbon, 1 rowa). . Tank Video here and here
Last edited by fishytime; 04-27-2011 at 03:32 AM.