Thank you for all the replies. I have 2 Eheim canister filters, one is for up to 65g and the other is for up to 110g(i think, its twice the size of the other one) I also have a hang in tank Hydor skimmer. Approx. 85lbs of live rock(probably more then that) and at least 75lbs of live sand. When I clean my filters I clean the pads with the water from the cannisters, don't know if this is correct but it's what was suggested to me. I thought it was strange but did as was suggested as I don't know much better lol. The reason for a hang in tank skimmer is I do not have room for a sumo in my stand or beside it, it seems to work great though, lots of foam and lots of crap...
Again thanks for the responses and help, any and all help is greatly appreciated and I look forward to more information form everyone