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Old 04-23-2011, 09:14 PM
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Originally Posted by BWI View Post
The membrane will last the same amount of time your standard units will or longer because of the auto flush kit.... The auto flush kit will flush the membrane right at start up for 30-40 sec which will also prevent TDS creep, and periodically will flush the membrane when the units running!
Thank you for finally answering some of my questions. So...what brand are these membranes? How are you achieve 1:1? This is an important question because membrane life expectancy could be compromised, and I don't find manufacturer claims to be sufficient. If you could please explain this, I would still be interested in a retrofit.

I use a flush kit on my current system, and I use it on every start up as well as flushing after every use. I doubt that standard home water pressure is good enough to flush the membrane very well, but I do it anyway.
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.