Originally Posted by fishattic
I googled it and your right, thank you. Now I am concerned as there is no way my 110 g is going to be big enough......
I guess when it gets to big I will have to find a home for it.
It was irresponsible of the lfs to sell that size of fish to you as well as a it was irresponsible of you to buy it with out knowing what type of fish it was, but we all make mistakes and sometimes you end up learning things the hard way.
However now that you have it and it's eating it should be ok in a 110g for a couple of years before it out grows your tank, depending on how fast it grows of course, so it's good you realize a new home or a tank up grade will need to happen later on. It is also the type of fish that creates a higher bio load then others so keep that in mind with tank mates and keep up with water changes and as he grows larger water changes will be necessary.