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Old 04-23-2011, 06:27 AM
zink12 zink12 is offline
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Default was hard finding food for purple nudibranch

After searching and searching for food for the purple nudibranch that is commonly sold at LPS's and wrong fully advised I finally found if on a sea slug forum. Most LPS's sell them and say they eat algae and a fewer smarter ones said they eat any sponge but after owning one with a sponge that he didn't eat obviously doesn't eat just any sponge. Most people said they are not ment for aquarium but I found an something sea slug forum that they eat 2 different type of family's of sponges. Hopefully this will feed them so I can have in my aquarium. Dysidea or Aplysilla sponges. Heres the web site.
Now I just have to find one of these sponge to test it

Last edited by zink12; 04-23-2011 at 06:29 AM.
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