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Old 04-21-2011, 01:12 PM
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cale262 cale262 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Beaumont Alberta
Posts: 549
cale262 is on a distinguished road

I like the fact that you can change your light spectrum through-out the day via programming... I know the whole LED thing is kinda new (to me)and all but it does look brighter than the IceCap MH fixture that it replaced...Now that it's hung I'll throw the PAR (thanks Ken) meter under it and see what it says (1300-2300K)...TBC

I also have an Ecoxotic LED fixture on my 24" cube and a ReefTech on the way so it will be interesting to compaire them all side by side.
Glass box with stoney stuff and fisches...
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