An update from last night Heath Robinson affair over the tank!
The Pacific Sun Black Python is not installed on the over tank hangers I used for the AI. They still need moving to the right position but excitement to get this in place took over from looks, however my wife will have that changed by the weekend!
So before I bore you with photos you really dont want to see my first impressions!
The whites are insane white, so crisp, I am seeing things I never saw before, but the biggest benefit is the amazing depth of light, this thing casts no shadows, where as before I needed two AI's I only need one Black Python and even that in all honesty is too much.
The BP has 3 LED colours all independantly controllable either from the Paciic sun software or for far greater control hooked up to the GHL Profilux as I have.
The Blues are very strong, I would even go as far as saying at 100% bordering on purple, so much so I only have the at 25% max and have about 12-14K of light whish is what I prefer, i am not a fan of artificial blue looking tanks.
The white is dialed right up to 80% but this is more due to my corals being used to the Ai, but to get even this close of white I had to run the AI at 100%
The moonlight for two little LEDs cast no dark areas and are also very powerful, you could mix these with your actinic blues for a more complex look if blue is your thing.
The overall look is far more pleasing also, the colours blend I no longer have blues and whites dnacing on the sand bed, and no more shadows, full tank coverage.
There is zero loss of brightness either at 24", but I would not expect this as we have these sitting on a 6' deep tank all be it with optics but thats more due to the sahpe of the tank than the depth.
Price point - well for the slave which will do a 36" square tank you are looking at for the slave $1,399 and the Master that cant run off the profilux but has built in Blue toth controller to work with your PC is $1,599
And for anyone who says you cant grow SPS under LED or cant get colour....