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Old 04-17-2011, 03:20 PM
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DAVE DAVE is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Hamilton, ON
Posts: 581
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Are you planing to connect your FOWLR and your SPS tank to the same sump???

This is a very bad idea. Your FOWLR tank is huge and you will never be able to get your nitrates down to a level that your SPS will grow.

I would also not mix lions and triggers, some get away with it (for a period of time), but for the most part you are looking at a disaster.

.....look into installing a HRV or at least a vent for an exhaust fan (that is great advice, you will have a lot of water in the house)

It looks like you are trying to do things right, so I would research a few of the ideas here.

.......going to be a fantastic build, have fun!
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