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Old 04-16-2011, 05:55 PM
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Snappy Snappy is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Calgary, Alberta
Posts: 4,675
Snappy is on a distinguished road

lastlight - Ok I just busted both ass-halves laughing when I saw that. I had just been born and you were sporting a 6-pack and cutoffs.

EPIC! And YES to retro-website gallery lol.
Did you notice the "stubby" beer bottles (pretty sure they were O'keefe's Extra Old Stock) - ah those were the days.
Now I'll go to a party and sip club soda.
ALang - WOW! You looked great!
I wouldn't be shy to show THAT off, Greg!
Thanks you are very kind although I look nothing like that now.

Ok I'll quit hi-jacking this thread.

Doug - Yes I am planning to be there.

And I thought RSVP was just what we are to do when we get invited to witness a new marriage ------ Remember Send Vedding Present!

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