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Old 04-16-2011, 05:09 AM
Greenmaster Greenmaster is offline
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Courtenay, BC Canada
Posts: 448
Greenmaster is on a distinguished road

So... I got my controller today WOOT! But I didn't get to set it up. I was working on modifying my cooling system for my lights... because I "Need" my lights right now.
Why would I need my lights you say. Because I got a piece of plate coral (broken off not sure of type... still needs to color up maybe?) I also got a branching coral that is not properly attached to the puck... but it's all good.

A point of interest... these pictures were taken with my video camera and the color is way off... but here you go.

P.S. I know they will die and I know that they will not be happy. But since I'm new to corals I kinda want to see what they can survive/how long.
Also I'm running on less then half my LED's so they might not be getting enough light. New LED's are in shipping as I type this.
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