Originally Posted by cale262
I have a 24" cube and I was running 2 MP40's in it....it worked well but I was running them at a very low setting...
I think two MP10's would work much better than one MP40...
Thanks, If Money was no Object, I would go right away for two MP40 ... Maybe I could start with one MP40 and buy another one in a year.... Unless everyone think 2 X MP10 is definitely enough for good SPS maintenance in this size aquarium... (2 MP-10 in a 60 will give me 52X which is normally enough)...

, not easy... Anyone with 2 MP10 on similar size aquarium? How do you like the flow?
WIP: 60 G Cube (purchasing stage)
3X Par 38 (7 led) - Vortech 2X MP10W or 1 MP40 -SRO XP1000
20G sump
125G aquaterrarium for my red ear turtle
Past work