Thread: PH/Alk Problem
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Old 01-11-2004, 12:54 PM
nbreau nbreau is offline
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Default PH/Alk Problem

Hi All,

I have had a 77 gallon tank setup since august and have always had low PH and alk, ~7.7PH and 6dKh

Dripping Kalk has never seemed to raise these any. This week I started adding SeaChem PH Buffer to raise Alk and PH as well as dripped nightly. By the end of the week PH hasn't changed (around 7.8-7.9) and alkalinity is through the roof.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to why PH wont budge ? Alot of my coraline has turned white and I dont trust my calcium reading since i have a hagen calcium test kit. all other kits are salifert.

I also live in a smaller appartment so there is a small lack of fresh air wish I read may slightly effect the PH.

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