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Old 04-13-2011, 07:50 PM
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mike31154 mike31154 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Vernon
Posts: 2,073
mike31154 will become famous soon enough

Ya, I couldn't afford the older home I have in Vernon at today's price anymore either. I moved here at about the right time, a year sooner would have been even better. Starting in 2005, prices started to rise relatively quickly. I think the Okanagan, Kelowna in particular had the largest one year increase around 2006 or maybe 07, before the downturn. Despite the economy, prices in the Okanagan have held up fairly well.

My daughter lived in Port Coquitlam and later in Maple Ridge, maybe 3 years total before moving back to Vernon. She had better employment opportunities in Vancouver area, but what good is that when you spend 4 hours of your day commuting? Crazy, no insane is probably a better description. Why folks put themselves through that on a daily basis I'll never know. You gotta make a living I reckon, but I have to chuckle every time some mega city like Van, New York or whatever call themselves the greatest city. Not my view, I can tell you. Daughter & significant other are currently renting a duplex in Vernon, but they're in the process of looking at buying in the very near future. Prices in Vernon can range from about 250k at the low end to well into the millions for places with lakeviews & golf courses etc. Several new developments have pretty much stalled out since the downturn a couple of years ago, among them Turtle Mountain & The Rise. The Rise features a Fred Couples designed golf course and a vineyard. The vineyard is planted, but the winery that was supposed to go along with it is on hold due to lack of sales. This development has changed hands a couple of times already due to bankruptcy. On the other hand, Predator Ridge, another development with Fred Couples designed golf course, has been building additional units. They've been on the scene here for a while though and interest in that area has increased once again since the Swarovski Crystal family built the Sparkling Hills mega spa overlooking Okanagan Lake.

I lived in Ottawa for 13 years and if I had to choose another city larger than Vernon (yes, it is a city ha ha), I'd probably go back there. It's large enough but not a mega city like Van or TO and you can still get around reasonably well. I do remember in the summer though, riding to work on my bicycle going over the Queensway overpass in the morning and seeing the traffic backed up all the way to Orleans.
77g sumpless SW
DIY 10 watt multi-chip LED build

Last edited by mike31154; 04-13-2011 at 07:53 PM.
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