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Old 04-12-2011, 05:18 AM
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DCDN DCDN is offline
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We can state that it is inhumane to take a creature and put it into such a condition. Though this hobby is about that. We can argue about the right size of a tank for a tang. Yet to someone outside this community could easily argue that the ocean and free range can never be recreated in a tank. Is a 6 foot tank really that much better than a 4 foot tank or is it just a way to justify it to ourselves. By no means to I feel putting a fish into a key chain is acceptable. However I realise that I have taken living creatures away from their natural habbitat. I can try to justify it to myself by stating my fish live in better water than I drink and such things as trying to provide the best environment for them. This can not truely compare to where they were taken out of the ocean. A goldfish in a key chain compared to a tang in a 6 foot tank could be the same arguement.
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