Originally Posted by daniella3d
while we're at it, what about the chickens that live all of their live stuck in a small cage with 2 individuals in it, so they can't move to waste any energy and fat and all they do all day long is eat and pick at each other eyes?
just wondering but do you still eat chicken?
I eat free-range chicken and eggs most the time, if not, in the very least, free run.
All Lilydale's chickens are free-run. I've been to such a facility and never saw any debeaked chickens picking at each other's eyes with their non-existent beaks. (How to chickens without beaks pick at each other's eyes anyway?)
The whole 'two wrongs make a right' and 'guilt by association' arguments are asinine anyway. Animal abuse should know no borders.
"How are the chickens Lilydale uses treated?
All birds raised for Lilydale are raised in controlled barns where they have free range of the entire barn. The number of birds to square footage is controlled to allow the best conditions. The birds are not kept in cages or treated poorly."