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Old 04-11-2011, 08:43 PM
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Originally Posted by paddyob View Post
I have not kept a pair before. I do intend to try breed them. It is obviously being done elsewhere, and mandarins are known to tank breed. I figure if I set up the tank to directly cater to them, no competition, then there is a chance they may. I am open to suggestions if anyone has them, in regards to breeding Mandarins, raising fry, ideal conditions, etc. I love Mandarins and hope to do well.

The tank is cycling. I will perform the first water tests today to see where its at. I will not be adding Mandarins until June-July.

To help my PODs reproduce in the meantime.... should I feed the tank anything specific?
If you plan to breed them you will need a taller tank. They make an ascent as they breed, and they won't be able to complete the act if the tank isn't tall enough. A breeding pair will probably need a bigger tank as they are quite aggressive to each other when not breeding. Separating them my be required.

For pods, I suggest an attached overflow style refugium to provide a safe place for pods to breed.
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

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