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Old 04-11-2011, 07:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Pinnochio5 View Post
Thanks for the replies everyone. I was just a little jumpy after reading all that stuff about those palytoxins, . Definitely not going to do it anymore when I get my Zoas. Now only to find a hand pump with a suction probe small enough to fit into my drip acclimation tube.
I just posted a similar subject/question to the "cautions" sticky. Glad to hear I'm not the only one with a mouthful from time to time. Anyways, from what I've researched, the zoas need to be quite disturbed to release such toxins, like fragging etc. So, as precautions, sure, handle with gloves and eye protection, but I've never seen a LFS employee grab a zoa frag with gloves on!! Actually, one even told me I was being ridiculous after mentioning the palytoxin scenario.
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