Originally Posted by lastlight
Yeah good point I guess shower doors sometimes are tempered. Not all of them of course I've seen them cut <-BVA joke.
I've heard from a glass guy that he's had big (thick) sheets of tempered just pop sitting in his truck overnight. I'm certainly not a glass expert only heard forces on the edges of a tempered panes are a risk.
Hahaha yeah the old showers made into aquariums obviously aren't tempered but the rest are
Typically if the tempered glass shatters it would have likely cracked or chipped fairly badly if it was standard float. There are variations in quality when it comes to tempered but typically everyone on the city would get from one place so it shouldn't be an issue for us. I suspect something isn't 100% accurate with the glass guy, the amount of tempered glass in the industry far exceeds the amount of non tempered. If you look around shopping malls that's all you'll see and glass railings are typically held by the edge. If there was even a chance of the glass breaking from someone leaning on the railing the glass wouldn't be as popular as it is. Never heard of tempered glass just exploding for no reason, seen a few tank bases blow out which is why I wouldn't recommend tempered for the base however these are usually a result from using store bough mdf stands which sag over time which changes how the glass is supported, seen just as many standard float bases crack for the same reason.