I've tried many foods and my goniopora and alveopora are now thriving!
Reef roids is accepted, but the coral reaction to it is not great. The best food I've found for my goniopora is the fauna marin ultra zoa/acan soaked in ultra min D. It was suggested on a forum by Claude the company boss and it's working great on mine. I have a goniopora Stokesi which is supposed to be one of the hardest one to maintain. It got sick neon green colored ring on his tentacules recently. It's also accepting Acan plus and it seems to love it! I also feed cyclopeeze and nutramar ova to my fishes and the goniopora can catch some.
The alveopora has smaller mouth and the ultra zoa is clearly the best food for it. It was recently damaged by a leather coral who got sick. His "flowers" were getting smaller and kinda pointy. After feeding it for a while and removing the leather coral, it came back to his previous state (~10 cm long polyps and 2 cm diamater)
I think it's very important to feed them. The goniopora was hurt when I got it from someone. It was loosing some tissue and loosing color. The tissue loss has stop since then and it's in great shape!
I should note that I put some kent iron and manganese into the water. It was noted that it can help them in some case.