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Old 04-10-2011, 07:25 PM
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Slick Fork Slick Fork is offline
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Location: Red Deer, Alberta
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While I understand the sentiment that there are more serious things than ziplock goldfish and turtles on keyrings in this world, I have difficulty dismissing this as something I shouldn't feel revolted about.

I also appreciate the idea that we shouldn't be attacking chinese culture, BUT... Chinese and (more broadly) Asian culture seems to have an enormous number of these traditions that are horribly destructive to the environment. Does anyone here remember the big fuss in Ontario in the 90's over poaching of black bears for their livers? Shark fin soup? Overfishing of Tuna and Japanese whaling ships? The list is seemingly endless, and this keychain thing is just one more item on said list. Where is the line between tolerating it because "it's their culture and they think it's acceptable" and acknowledging that these practices are incredibly barbaric and destructive and need to stop.
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