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Old 04-10-2011, 04:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Kevotron View Post
ahhhh a Puddle ? last checked I haven't seen a betta live in a puddle of water... so I question your choice of words there, also i doubt a Betta in their natural enviroment lives in small dixie cup of water.
If I recall correctly they are from Asia and mainly live in rice paddies. They live in warm, shallow waters eating mosquito larva. Often time the water they live in is muddy and stagnant so they have adapted to be mouth breathers.

A dixie cup is far from there natural environment. Small tanks (5 gallons minimum) should be enough to make them happy. Or at least as happy as any other fish that we put into our little glass boxes.

I do appologize and am regretting posting on this touchy subject at all. But at the end of the day in my opinion putting goldfish and turtles in key chains is just WRONG. As well as somehow they figured out that they would last up to a month without feeding and water changes...

Last edited by Wayne; 04-10-2011 at 04:51 AM.
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