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Old 04-10-2011, 02:49 AM
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Kevotron Kevotron is offline
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Originally Posted by Wayne View Post
I agree that there are lots of things as a human race that we shouldn't be doing.

I am not trying to start an argument by any means; but bettas are natually found in puddle's so small tanks arn't much different then there natural environment. As for gold fish, they are supposed to be housed in 30G or larger aquariums. A key chain is just not large enough and is enprisionment.

As for the neglect that some people have will allowing kids/pets to eat fish, or not properly taking care of an aquarium... I think those people arn't much better than someone who buys this keychain, its just cruel and unfair to something that stick up for itself.

ahhhh a Puddle ? last checked I haven't seen a betta live in a puddle of water... so I question your choice of words there, also i doubt a Betta in their natural enviroment lives in small dixie cup of water.
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