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Old 04-09-2011, 03:02 AM
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mike31154 mike31154 is offline
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First thing you might want to do is some research on your water source at the new house. Find out where it's coming from, presumably the City of Calgary, go on their web site and check the water reports to give you an idea of what to expect at your tap. Then get a cheap handheld TDS meter and take some readings after you move in. This will help determine what sort of RO system you require. Also find out if your water provider uses chlorine or chloramine to treat the water. This will have an impact on how many carbon stages you need (usually one extra for chloramine).

My 77 evaporates about a gallon a day, when I first started I used tap water treated for chlorine. I couldn't imagine having to go out and by RO water then lug it home for weekly evaporation and scheduled water changes. I purchased a system from BWI and am very pleased with it. It came with two carbon stages, but I recently removed one & replaced with a second poly filter since the extra carbon is not required for chlorine.
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