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Old 04-08-2011, 07:14 PM
1eyedjyde 1eyedjyde is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Prince George
Posts: 112
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Thanks for the input. I figured that since the light intensity is a function of the tank depth and most comercial MH light fixtures are equipped with 250 watt MH I assumed that the location in the tank would ie distance from the fixture would dictate quantity of light available to the coral. so basicly if i have 4 - 250 watt pendants over my tank I may be able to grow SPS coral at the lowest point in the tank but with the 2 I currently have I should be able to grow SPS at the top and leathers and lower light coral near the bottom. On a side note the anenome has desided it didn't like its current location and has relocated itself to a lower light sheltered area of the tank. so I will watch its colour over the next few days and see if there are any changes.
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