Originally Posted by daveycoopa
I have done a search and haven't found much on this topic. I am looking into a new tank and have read that starfire might not be the way to go. People are saying it scratches easy and is not worth the money difference. What is your opinion please and thank you? oh yeah im looking at building a 60x26x30 tank if that makes a difference.
I've got Starfire and glad I did. As for scratching I didn't make a single one in the 5 years I've had the tank.
Will say though Starfire is soft enough dog's nails can scratch it. Was ready to kill mine as when come back from holidays found scratches for the first time. Seemed the dog developed a bit of an obsession with the fish in the 2 months we were on holidays (guessing the house/dog sitters weren't giving her a lot of attention).