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Old 04-06-2011, 05:32 PM
Aquaria Aquaria is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 481
Aquaria is on a distinguished road

Lol funny topic I got a pistol Shrimp a week ago and the next day I was pretty close to just going an buying his goby since he seemed so lonely (that's what I told my g/f anyway) but I thought there was no way I could hide a yellow goby an her not notice since she looks into the tank as much as me lol.I'm acually really glad I don't have to hide things i think it makes it more enjoyable if I'm not sneaking around like a ninja although I won't lie when I say If I had a significant other who was anal about my tank I prob would be a master ninja by now
Aquaria's SPS nano
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