Financial issues are the source of 90% of marital problems. It's not healthy to lie to a spouse about anything... just causes problems in the long run, and yes, the omission of truth is a lie if it is omitted to twist the truth.
My wife and I have our own "fun accounts" ... anything spent from this account is fine. No questions asked. The problem is that we're not in a position financially with school and work and living situations and paying off the vehicle to be regularly contributing to these accounts other than Christmas or birthday money. I had $30 left in mine, and I bought some snails that came to $35... had to use the other account. I told her about it, and she's keeping a mental IOU. But she's generally ok with me spending small amounts of money from our joint account.
That being said, my new tank is currently empty, and there's a nice clove frag for $20 at the lfs. We were in looking at it yesterday, but I didn't buy it. I am really, really tempted to go out and get it before she comes home from work.