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Old 04-04-2011, 04:59 PM
phi delt reefer's Avatar
phi delt reefer phi delt reefer is offline
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Location: London, ON
Posts: 578
phi delt reefer is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by riceboy View Post
lol i've sneaked in coral and fish at 11:-12 at night before, but my mom keeps a keen eye on my tank and takes notice of everything lol, i just tell her i get it for free or for 5-10 bucks from buddies lol, or i just tell her that i'm not spending money on boos or drugs just on corals and fish lol

lol this could go one of two ways - wife would be very mad if it wasnt booze, but the other , LMAO

i am smart. I show her all of your 100+ gallon builds with Deltec Skimmers/ Vertex LEDs etc. Then when i go buy my stuff she thinks i am practically stealing it from the retailer!

all jokes aside - what my wife spends on MAC makeup/Guess/Marciano/Diesel jeans/tanning/purses is no where near what my initial investment into my system will be. She has 50+ pairs of jeans - most are $150 a pair. She has a couple that cost $300. As long as we both pay our bills each month - we dont say anything... just cringe, lol.
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