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Old 04-04-2011, 04:23 AM
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fishoholic fishoholic is offline
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I just fed my tanks and I noticed that my orange spot blenny (same one in the pic. I took yesterday) wasn't out front and center gobbling up food like usual. I'm thinking to my self that that's strange and of course my first thought is "Oh sh*t he jumped" so I started to frantically search all around the tank and finally I see him in the tank (on the cheato and mangrove pod side) dead at the bottom His body looked perfectly fine and in tact and he was eating well yesterday. At a total loss as to why he died, I had him for 4 months and while he spent most of that time in the reef tank, he had been in the 80g for about 2 weeks and did seem fine in there. I seriously don't get it Also pretty sure that type of blenny gets a lot bigger (he was about 3" but i think they get to about 5") so I doubt it was from old age or anything like that
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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