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Old 04-04-2011, 03:22 AM
Ian Ian is offline
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: rimbey
Posts: 324
Ian is on a distinguished road

LOL as a long time hard core Oiler fan I can smile knowing we get a very nice draft pick and calgary gets broken shins from once again jumping off the band wagon....i actually hope the nucks do win as they are a canadian team I do appreciate but the history of chokin leaves me thinkin LA may be a safer bet for late round action.....
Biocube 29 est 05/05/08, Koralia 1, 30lbs live rock, ,yellow tail blue damsel, pair cinnamon clowns, baby snowflake eel,Toadstool , metallic green mushroom, assorted zoos , kenya treen
180gall display, 190 pds live rock, virgate rabbitfish,bluejaw trigger, bubblletip anemone,yellow tang, sailfin tang,melanarus wrasse, cloud wrasse,

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