I found this guy in the rocks today. Now hear me out....my wife and I scour these rocks on a regular basis (daylight and night time) and this is the first I have seen this guy.....he's a good hider let me tell you.
Also I found a very cool forum as I am trying to identify this animal as a sea slug....sorry for my ignorance but he looks like he would be classified as a slug of some sort.
It appears to have a soft body.....tan stripes to dark brown just like you see in the pictures. Kinda furry looking appearance when I look through the magnifier. It has 2 maybe 3 spots on the top (blue circles) - I cannot tell how long this thing is....but it is 1/2" to 3/4" wide and just what I see is approx 2" long or maybe longer.
Anyone know what this is?
****As a side note please check out this link as its a very cool place for identification of sea slugs.****