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Old 04-04-2011, 02:05 AM
themastr themastr is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Wainwright, AB
Posts: 67
themastr is on a distinguished road

Thanks mseepman

I'm cureently a third year Powerlineman apprentice with an Electrical engineering tech background. I deal with highvoltage everyday and have access to materials that will help me protect myself like rated rubber gloves, volt meter, etc and also have a lot of soldering experience. (benefits of working in my Field )
I also have a high powered microscope for soldering the LEDs to see if I left any solder.
The only thing I'm not sure about right now is the Voltage creepage. That's got me researching. I want to use G11 or even acrylic and pot all the LEDs like nuclearHeli in reef central but not sure where to get them from in Canada.

I plan on putting a Resistor and a Fuse inline with each string (maybe 850mA or so) So if anything does go wrong it will hopefully blow before I lose my LEDs. Not sure how much current will be so not sure about the fuse sizes. Also I get alot of help from people at work and the engineers. Always bug them about questions.

I looked into parallel strings but was worried about 1 string blowing up and sending current in the other strings. So I figured Series would be alot easier (+ to -). Also I have a driver per string so I will know which one is messing up.

I do agree with you about the dangers of High voltage. Don't get into it unless you have the right equipment and knowledge. I think that Nuclearheli has been great with his build and I will try to copy it exactly. Probably not as neat but we will see. LOL

I'm still learning but have a basic understanding of the whole LED build. Hopefully I can learn from my mistake and help someone else. Crossing my fingers XOXOXO

Oh and don't ever forget the OHM & diode Checks. 4 times atleast.

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